The Difference between Breakdown and Breakthrough is Story and Presence

Stones Desert | Pedro Lastra | Unsplash

Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash | Delicate Arch Trail, Utah US

In this time of tremendous personal and collective transition, I find myself considering the difference between breakdown and breakthrough.  On the surface, the two may appear similar.  I see this in my work as a clinician, and know the territory intimately on a personal level. 

The difference between breakdown and breakthrough is story and presence.

When my gut tells me something feels ‘off’ and I ignore the message, pushing ahead despite the inner directive, I can feel resistance grow.  The more I push to make that square peg fit the round hole, the more it splinters.  If I continue paddling upstream, joy dissipates.  Weariness and frustration escalate.  Something must shift to alter this trajectory.

Sometimes, shift happens with my awareness and support – usually at the point I recognize my entanglement, and wonder, “Now what?”  My presence and cooperation in this process is the breakthrough.   

Other times, the course correction manifests despite my reluctance to join in.  This tends to feel more like a breakdown.

It seems to me, the difference between breakdown and breakthrough is story and presence.  

We are all in this together

Perhaps you have these experiences too! 

Opportunities for breakdown and breakthrough certainly seem to be coming faster and more furiously in this time of rapid change.  Interestingly, the consequences of our actions appear to be manifesting quicker and more emphatically too.  See my previous blog post The Times They Are A-Changing’  for thoughts about the times we are in. 

What’s the story on Story?

Let’s take Story first. 

I’ve noticed that a characteristic of breakdown is the sense that I have no authority in my own world, and/or that outer circumstances have seized the helm of my existence.  I narrow my vision, losing sight of both the larger picture and the locus of my true power – within me.   Breakdown is a story of disempowerment.

When transition feels like a breakthrough in my life, it happens when I discover my role in the equation.  I shift my attention to the only thing I really have any influence with – me!  My thinking, my feelings, my actions.  Breakthrough begins here.

Then there is Presence

Presence is simply being with what is, and with whatever arises – in the world around me, and within me.

“Being present” can sound like vapid new age malarky.  For me, it is not a catchphrase.  I do not close my eyes and heart to events that are happening in our world, nor deny the wrenching emotions I may experience in any moment. 

Being present invites me to redirect my attention and energies.  It invites my focus to be here, now … not future, not past.  I return to my sphere of influence.  If I choose, I can take action from this place of empowerment.   

There is much that is beyond my control in the world, but with presence I can address what is within my realm of authority.  I can connect with others in a loving way, and participate constructively within my community and the larger world. 

So, in the end, breakdown and breakthrough are equal journeys. 

I just happen to enjoy the ride more on a journey of breakthrough!

This is why I work within my Akashic Records.  It is also why I offer Akashic Record readings to others. 

The Akashic Records allow us access to a more expansive story within the experience of presence.  Being in the Records can provide clarity and a sense of the vast support and love available to us at all times. 

If you would like support in these times of breaking down and breaking through, please contact me for an Akashic Records reading.  I am delighted to sit with you.

Blessed Autumn to All,



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The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.


Being in Your Right Mind Requires Entering Your Heart


The Times They Are A-Changin'