Resonate to the Key of Water

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash / Lembongan Island, Indonesia

On this full moon eve as I enter the Akashic Records, my awareness is drawn to the element of water. Such a miracle! Life on earth is sustained by water, our human bodies are comprised largely of water, and earth teems with this precious element (upon and beneath the surface).

As many are aware, the waters of earth endure great burdens from myriad sources – particularly of late. Beyond water’s essential role in sustaining life, I wonder whether there is greater significance to these affronts to earth’s waters.

Picking up on an earlier musing I’d had about the relationship between human memory and water, the Guides begin speaking immediately.


Guides: Yes, of course.

Your thought that memory is not limited to the organ you know as the brain, but rather is stored within the waters of your body, is correct and inspired. We would invite you to step further into this understanding and consider that deep primordial memory, which you call the Akashic Records, resides therein too – in the waters – within the waters of your body and your world.

Make no mistake, Dear Ones, you were there in the beginning and you are participating in bringing into the present that memory of what is, what was, the truth of creation.

Within the waters lies the ancient memory of who you are and what you are capable of.

Yes, the waters have been greatly compromised and manipulated for many purposes including repression of your memory. Within the waters lies the ancient memory of who you are and what you are capable of. However, neither the memory nor the Record of your true identity and abilities can be destroyed - no matter how compromised or manipulated the waters may be. Yet these memories can be (and have been) clouded and hidden from you.

Arise from your slumber and step into the waters of your Self that you may have full knowledge!

Arise from your slumber and step into the waters of your Self that you may have full knowledge! Resonate to the key of water; find the frequency of what is so about the waters beneath and beyond how it has been compromised. With the knowing which comes forth you will see clearly and be filled with peace and certainty.

Cheryl: And, just how are we to find the key of water? (I can feel the upturn of their energetic smile as they respond.)

Guides: Listen. The waters sing to you constantly in their movement. You can hear most clearly when you sit still. Anywhere will do, but beside moving water your hearing will be ‘primed’. Even bringing forth a memory of these sounds will help you to find its frequency so you may sing along and be moved to another place. We encourage you to gift yourself in this way and know its pure vibration.

When you cease believing that ‘what is’ (what you have come to believe or are told about your world) is more powerful than what you truly are – that is, witnesses to your world’s origins and co-creators of your world – you will have confidence that you can surmount anything, heal anything, and set what must be in your world upon the correct path of love.

Grasp hold of the Truth and live in Freedom. The time has come.


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Connect with Cheryl

  • The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.

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