Hercules and the Hydra ~ Letting Go and Keeping Your Balance

Amusement park boat with dragon head and lightning in background | Photo by Haik Ourfal | Unsplash

Photo by Haik Ourfal on Unsplash

Cheryl: December is a time of looking back and looking forward … choosing what to release and what to carry across the threshold into a New Year - and in this case, a New Decade.  December was a clarifying month for me in this regard, as I have been in quite a deep process.  I am aware that many of you, too, are crossing a bridge of increased awareness - each of us in our own way.

If you have been experiencing a resurgence of old patterns or symptoms at this time, you may find this blog post supportive.   For me, December 2019 held notable challenges.  Old patterns of thought and emotion revisited me in the form of depression and despair.  

While these patterns were once as familiar as my own skin, with the support of many allies (including neural retraining, IFS, and Akashic Records work), I’d been less in their thrall in recent times.  But here they were again!  Racing through my brain and body like a post-birthday-party sugar-glazed 3-year old.

My guides lovingly and soundly encouraged me to go into retreat (desperation is always an excellent motivation for spiritual practice, in my world!).  During the course of this at-home immersive retreat, the old patterning ruptured at what felt like a cellular level, and resolved. 

When I inquired about this in the Records, here is how the Akashic Guides responded:  

Guides: You are correct in your estimation that the past several months have been about pulling the dregs from the bottom up into the light for healing, much as in your myth of Hercules when he lifts the many-headed Hydra out of the muck and the mire and into the light which destroys it.  It is the final piece that is needed to disentangle oneself from deeply entrenched patterns from the past. And the part that will seal this [healing into place] is taking the time to look at each piece and turn it over so that nothing is unacknowledged and bless it, give thanks for it.  It is from this Journey and the arduousness of it that you can now speak of greater joy and rising above it.  

Cheryl: So take heart, Fellow Journeyers!  The healing is happening on ever-deeper levels and ‘lightening’ us all as we step into this new decade of challenge.  We are being encouraged to let go, let go, let go of all that will not serve us moving forward.

When I asked what message the Akashic Guides might offer us all as we enter the new decade, they responded by showing me the following image:

A human figure stands with feet firmly planted in a wide stance on the deck of a great ship, legs riding the movements of the ship.  The ship is being tossed about by a roiling sea, yet the figure is unperturbed by the movements of sea and ship even as it makes accommodations for the changes.  This is astonishing to me given the extremes of the wider scene.  “How is that even possible?” I ask. As I zoom in on the figure, I am aware of an increasing sense of stillness.  I notice the figure is focused, not on the sea or the bow or even the deck below its feet, but deep within.  The figure appears completely still within.  As I draw closer and enter the figure, the howling sounds of wind and waves diminish.  There is quiet, almost silence, and the sense of gentle rocking. I sink into the felt experience of equanimity. 

At some point, these simple words came to close our time:  “Do This – Be This.”

May this powerful image be a blessing for all of us as we welcome 2020. 


Related blog posts you might wish to explore:

The Difference between Breakdown and Breakthrough is Story and Presence ~ September 2019

The Power of Choosing ~ February 2020


Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to experience the wisdom of your Akashic Records, and receive the blessing of your own inner guidance.


The Power of Choosing


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